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Fairy Gardens

Jan 29, 2022 | Blog

Fairy/Fantasy Gardens

Fairy gardens are hugely popular because they connect us with our sometimes long-lost imaginations and allow us to create a whimsical world of our very own. They’re a fun, escapist project—whether or not you have kids!

Essentially, fairy gardens—also called enchanted gardens—are minuscule plots that include live plants, tiny statues, and other accessories such as furniture, fountains, or swings. They’re constructed indoors or out, and you don’t need to spend a lot of money to create one.

New Product Line Coming In 2022

Cottage Planters

These new designs by Secret Garden Hostas of Chagrin Falls will soon be under latex. For now, they have designed two cottage planters. If you have a fantasy garden or are looking to make one, don’t miss these.

We have several other items being molded now that will be a great addition to any Fairy/Fantasy garden. From small gnomes to accessories needed in designing your garden layout. Be sure to sign up for our news letter on the right or follow us on Facebook to keep informed on these new pieces as we add them.

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